Numerous studies confirm that 360º photos are more effective than static photos.

The mere fact of the interactivity that is generated with the end user already means a greater and better connection with the photographed object.

Being able to show. spaces from different angles and even being able to take a virtual tour generates a fascinating attraction in the user who feels that they can somehow experience the documented area.

Be it a property, a department store or any physical space that you want to show, with 360º photography you can have a full view instead of a partial view like the one we are used to with traditional photography.

When looking to take a virtual tour generates a fascinating attraction in the user

When looking to take a virtual tour, a set of 360º photos must be taken from various points, the reason being that the more angles captured, the more realistic the sensation of the tour.

Finally, it could be said without exagerating that the use of 360º photography is an essential resource when seeking to have a greater impact on the offer of services online, there is no doubt that hiring the services of a professional can make the difference between obtaining successful results or definitely failing in the attempt.